Backflow Reference Manual 4th Edition eBook

Backflow Reference Manual 4th Edition eBook


The fourth edition of this full color illustrated reference manual is designed to teach every aspect of backflow prevention and cross connection control, from identifying and testing the wide variety of backflow prevention assemblies to proper selection and installation f both testable assemblies and non-testable backflow prevention devices and methods This manual provides the user with the information needed to understand what the degree of hazard or potential risks exist to potable water systems, and whether the proper backflow prevention method, device or assembly has been selected and correctly installed. The manual is the perfect resource for the novice or the expert in the cross connection control industry. As a textbook for use in backflow certification classes or a reference manual used to allow water and water utility personnel a better understand of how and why backflow events occur this publication is the best reference available.

The 480 page manual covers the history of backflow prevention; definitions and devices; backflow prevention hydraulics; testing methods with full, detailed illustrations; an overview of gauges and test kits; trouble shooting and repair information; cross-connection control surveys; program development; code requirements and installation standards. The manual also contains sample test, surveyor, or repairer. The fourth edition has been updated to the latest editions of the plumbing, mechanical, and fire protection codes and standards. It also features expanded chapters about non-testable devices and methods, and improved, updated and expanded testing/repair/troubleshooting information reflecting the latest products and field-testing procedures.


Member/Non-Member: $108.80 / $136.00
