Radiant Architecture Outfitters Kit 2008

Radiant Architecture Outfitters Kit 2008


Includes: Radiant Architecture book, RPA Snow Melt Guidelines, Radiant Living magazine, Radiant Flooring Guide The book provides information of specific interest to architects and builders. It draws heavily from material in the Radiant I Heating and Cooling and Radiant II Heating and Cooling . It is a complete and comprehensive book in the basics of radiant panel heating for residential and light commercial buildings utilizing hydronic and electric floor, wall and ceiling panels as viewed by the architect. Well illustrated with photos, drawings, schematics, examples and case studies. It is designed to give the architect or builder a clear understanding of the various systems available, how they can be applied to buildings, and the sequencing of the construction and installation process. By John Siegenthaler, P.E. with contributions Lawrence Drake 184 pages, illustrated, 3-ring Binder

Volume: 10 x 6.2 x 2.5


Member/Non-Member: $102.20 / $127.75
